Callout to all lawyers! Covid-19 – Support from
How will your prospective clients find you if you are working from home or if they are confined to their homes? With more and more people turning to the internet to find their lawyer, will they find you? We are here to help. can showcase you and your skills and increase your online visibility. We can provide you with a no-obligation 60-day trial, and if you decide to continue with our service, you can benefit from Interest-Free Finance on the small annual subscription.
More people turning to online to find a solicitor
With millions of workers either working from home or have self-isolated themselves amid the Covid-19 pandemic, people are reluctant to take public transport given the more significant risks associated with buses and trains. Fewer people will walk to your office if they are less confident than you to venture out.
The number of people looking for a solicitor online has nearly doubled since last year. An overwhelming majority of people in need of legal representation are using the internet to find a lawyer instead of turning to relatives or friends for personal referrals. Since the Coronavirus outbreak, there’s been a 20% increase in people looking for a lawyer online in the last few weeks alone.
Year on year, there has been a 100% increase in people looking for a solicitor online.
“The Internet provides a faster, easier, and more thorough method to find an attorney (lawyer), compared with the alternatives,” said Stephen Noel, vice president of strategic development and audience at Thomson Reuters, in a statement. “Friends or relatives may only know a limited number of attorneys (lawyers), and those attorneys (lawyers) may not specialise in the areas of law where help is needed.”
Lawyers are working remotely from home
A considerable number of law firms across the world have advised their employees to work from home last week as part of performing a “stress test” on their IT infrastructure. Many lawyers have since decided to carry on their duties remotely. In a not too distant future when the UK is on lockdown; similar to Italy, everybody including lawyers will be asked to work from home.
How is your online presence?
Lawyers on come up on the first page of Google. Our platform is SEO optimised and shows up high on a few search terms on Google search. Moreover, we are spending an average of over £3000 daily on Google Ads and social media platforms.
How can your next client find you?
Since the WHO has declared the Coronavirus as a pandemic, as many as 20 million UK workers could be working from home. As much as half of the UK population would prefer to stay indoors to avoid getting infected.
According to the Financial Times, corporate lawyers are experiencing a surge in work due to companies trying to find ways to back out of contracts or preventing deals from falling apart.
Some companies are calling on “force majeure” clauses in contracts to renege on deals while others have been enquiring about adding “coronavirus” clauses to their employment policies; taking into account quarantine leave and sick pay amongst others.
With more and more couples spending considerable time together either working from home or in quarantine, there is the likelihood that the divorce rate will go up at this unusual time of the year. The Chinese city of X’ian has seen a record-high number of divorce requests in recent weeks. Spending time in close quarters for too long is not always a good thing.
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