Do you trade or share personal data in Europe and need data compliance help or advice?
If you trade or share personal data in Europe you must be able to demonstrate that you have proper data protection and compliance processes in place. Your business must be able to show that this data is secure with sensible safeguards running in accordance with data compliance laws and regulations, whether this is for third party suppliers or direct suppliers you work with on a day to day basis.
This data can be in a hard copy or digital format, it can be personal or business specific – for example it can be an email address, a phone number, a residential address, perhaps a confidential letter or even a legal/financial statement.
The fact remains that whatever this information is, your business must be able show that it has taken all necessary steps to ensure protection of the data. It maybe that you need help in this area, certainly the rules and regulations produced by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and its European counterparts are ever-changing with new guidance coming on line daily to improve data protection/compliance processes.
There are many supplier partners to choose globally that will be able to help you in this important area – transferring data from one business/organisation to another across European boundaries is not be taken lightly and you need the right partner to work with, that has the knowledge and experience to ensure complete compliance capability.
Our suggestion is to complete a thorough check of any potential partners by utilising the checklist below :
- Website – does it contain the necessary gravitas and bona-fide information expected?
- Testimonials – what have their customers said about them?
- Accreditations – have they acquired the correct skills and knowledge via qualifications?
- Longevity – how long have they been running their business?
- Location – where are the based and have they more than one office?
- Marketing collateral – is there a hard copy, easy to understand service portfolio detailed?
All of the above will give you an indication if you are making the right decision and choice for your business.
For our part at The Document Warehouse (TDW), we can tick all of the boxes listed and more!
Just recently The Document Warehouse was selected as “Best in Class” for Outsourced Data Compliance service in the UK by SME News 2020 Enterprise Awards – something we are understandably very proud of.
So, if you trade in Europe/share data and need a steer, then perhaps The Document Warehouse can help your business. Please contact us @ or call us on 020 8092 4555.