Looking for a document management and compliance solution that won't break the bank?
The paperless office, whilst not a fantasy, is still a long way off. People will still require hard copies of documents no matter how much they scan and destroy and these documents still need to be managed – with data compliance and protection legislation observed – but all of this does not come cheap!
Every piece of paper, from its inception to destruction requires attention – whether you are storing a document securely either electronically or physically, confidentially shredding it, thus adhering to the retention schedules you have in place or scanning the documents to the cloud - this all costs time and money.
The ideal is to enlist the help of a specialist partner that can either provide a full value for money solution or is able to offer piecemeal “bitesize” cover for the following:
- Document storage;
- Electronic Document Records Management Systems (EDRMS);
- Scanning;
- Confidential shredding; and
- Data Compliance and Protection.
The costs for these services can spiral and sometimes a business or company can be affected by increases not originally forecasted by procurement - and there may even be high exit costs and penalty charges in place, therefore trapping you with little option, but to stay and pay!!!
The good news is that you do have options and The Document Warehouse (TDW) can help you find a way round the issues in this important area of procurement detailed above.
Whether you are looking for “one off” services or a complete solution, The Document Warehouse (TDW) can provide one of the most competitive packages available. You can trust TDW to reduce your costs, whilst ensuring that service quality is actually enhanced and improved.
So, if the paperless office has not reached you yet and you want the best deal you can get for your document management services then perhaps The Document Warehouse (TDW) can help your business.
Please contact us @ info@tdwuk.co.uk or call us on 020 8092 4555.